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 Beeswax vs Paraffin

 Beeswax is a 100% natural fuel created by bees.
  Paraffin is a toxic byproduct of the oil industry.
 Beeswax candles burn cleaner than any other.
  Paraffin candles give off many of the same toxic fumes as are found in auto exhaust.
 Beeswax candles burn longer than others and do not drip.
  Paraffin candles are relatively short burning and drip excessively.
 Beeswax candles emit bright light that has the same light spectrum as the sun.
  Paraffin candles produce a disorganized light spectrum very similar to old-fashioned incandescent bulbs.
 Beeswax candles emit negative ions that actually clean the air and invigorate the body.
  Paraffin candles produce toxic petrol-soot that eventually stains all interior surfaces.
 Beeswax candles are naturally scented by the honey and nectar of flowers packed into the honeycomb within the beehive.
  Paraffin candles typically contain artificial fragrances and colors which also produce toxins and stains when burned.
 Beeswax candles come from a renewable resource: beeswax
  Paraffin candles come from a nonrenewable resource: petroleum.


The Beeswax Company candles are 100% pure beeswax...
.... no artifical scents or colors!

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